Sugar and your immune system

by Christianne
in blog
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Hey, I hope you are having a good week!
You know sugar is one of my favourite subjects, so I thought I would share with you some interesting facts around sugar and your immune system.
  • Did you know that one of the worst effects on your immune system is too much sugar?
  • Did you know that the suppression of the immune system starts 30 minutes after the consumption of processed sugar and can last up to five hours?
  • Did you know that processed sugar can weaken the way your white blood cells attack bacteria ?
  • Did you know that eating processed sugar depletes you of vital nutrients ?


Oh and sugar is the number 1 cause of disease in the body and the number 1 cause of obesity.


The good news is I’m talking about processed sugars- because actually fruit and veg may contain natural sugars, but they are also high in vital nutrients, which help boost our immune system. Also, interestingly the latest research shows that when you eat fruit, the natural sugars are released slowly because of a gelling agent within the fibre.


AND the fibre in fruit feeds your microbiome nourishment it needs to feed your body energy.


You can rid your sugar cravings in as little as 5 days!


If you want my help you know I’m here for you in my next 5 day sugar free challenge – starting 24th April.


Sign up here, and get excited to feel and look better in days.


Christianne x

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