Excuses Excuses
Are you continually making excuses for why you are not achieving what you want?
I have just watched the film about Eddie the Eagle, I’ll admit the only reason I watched it as it was going for 99p! I thought it looked fun but would be nothing special. But I loved it.
There was a very strong message in there about Eddie himself, never, ever giving up on his dream. And his dream was never to win the Olympics, but actually just to take part.
He had a childhood dream to be in the Olympics as a skier but didn’t make the team, and found a loophole in the system that allowed him to be a free jumper, despite having no experience, no coaches, and no money. But he did it, he slept in cars in the mountains in minus 30 degrees, he coached himself mainly, no one wanted to sponsor him, as he was seen as a joke- but despite all this he made it and he got the British record.
Anyway, I absolutely love learning about people who achieve something, against all odds, who, despite their failings, and people telling them they won’t do it, there is something in them that doesn’t stop until they do. I have to admit I very much relate to that, I am as stubborn as a mule. And the more people tell me I can’t achieve something, the more I want to prove them wrong.
When I wrote my book The body rescue plan, I self-published and was told I would never get into the shops, the most I would sell would probably be about 100 books, as a self-publishers average sale, is 200 books in a lifetime. That there was no way on God’s earth that I would be able to sell on QVC, as they only look for brand names- and high selling products and that I would never get written about in the press because I have self-published.
But I proved all that wrong, even my family were concerned about my indomitable spirit- they were worried I had something wrong with me as I was so sure it would do well, and I wouldn’t stop until it did. The body rescue plan has been in every national newspaper in the UK, it sells in Barnes and Noble in America, Waterstones in the UK, and nearly every country in the World. And has won 6 awards.
It sold out on QVC before we even went on air, and is a best seller- why?
Because I didn’t give up because I was so sure about firstly the power of my book, and secondly my goal- that I just focused entirely on it.
So, what do you want to achieve that you are putting off, or making excuses for to not achieve? Are you going round in a loop of excuses and coming back to yourself wanting to achieve just that?
I know, it feels hard, right? You try, but then life gets in the way, you get in the way- it just feels too difficult.
You are in the driving seat of your life, you are making the decisions. Is it really that difficult? Or are you just not wanting to feel any pain, and do you just want to stay in the comfort zone of dissatisfaction? Being dissatisfied is where your ego lies.
Being satisfied or even elated means you have got to break through some barriers and that could mean a mild amount of discomfort or pain ( which is very short lived in the comparison of the dissatisfied for life alternative ) So! as it’s your brain making all these decisions, have it as your number 1 goal!
Let us do this, let us achieve that thing that you have always wanted to achieve, stop putting it off, stop making excuses, stop giving in and start living life in the satisfied lane!
If you need help with your mindset I am running two retreats this year, one in Champneys Tring on 24th September and one in Portugal on 28th September to 1st October.
For more details drop me an email.
Christianne xxx
www.thebodyrescueplan.com |