My Mums transformation

by Christianne
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I hope you are having a lovely week so far. We are off to the UK today for my Mum’s 80th, which I am so excited about. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters and haven’t seen two of my brothers for 2.5 years as we all live in different countries- I can’t wait!
Speaking of my Mum I thought it would be fun to share her transformation story with you😍
At 80 years old and having had 7 children ( all C-section ) she is such an inspiration to me.
She has always been fairly slim, but has often suffered with a bloated belly, and a bit of a sugar addiction.
My Mum has done my 5 day challenge and my 2 week detox a few times over the years, but never committed to The Body Rescue 12 week plan.
At 79 she decided to join my VIP group in September and had such amazing results.
She lost over a stone, over a dress size, but more importantly rid her sugar addiction and is still following the maintenance plan now. ( on Maintenance you can have 1-2 days off )
What I also really notice in these pics is how much better her posture is and look at that flat tummy!
My Dad now calls her his sexy young thing 🤗 so cute.
I’ll share some 80th celebrations next week
Christianne x

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