Top tips for thriving in Isolation.

by Christianne
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 First week in Isolation- my top tips

  So we have just had our first week in isolation and home schooling here in Portugal, and I     wanted to share my top tips on remaining calm, sane, happy, fit and healthy.

  I was nervous, apprehensive, worried about how to fit everything in, run a business, look after   the house, be a wife, keep fit and teach Angelique for 6 hrs a day.

  But somehow it just all works.
  Because we adjust.
  We are creative creatures, who can adjust, we have to- and it is all possible.
  Panic less, adjust more.
  We will be fine.
  This is temporary.
  It’s time to focus on the good.

  I’ve loved spending more time with Angelique, more time being a family. More time cooking.
  I’ve loved connecting with what Angelique actually learns at school each day, and how bright    she is.

  We haven’t laughed so much together since she was little.

  We have had a few challenges – and that’s all fine too- trust me, this is not an ideal situation for   us and there are things I have lost and but there is no sense in focussing on that- for now, this is   the new normal and its ok, even great at times.
  This weekend we went to the theatre- virtually. I booked tickets for us to watch Les Miserable and Jersey Boys. it cost $5

  We watched it in our pyjamas, by the fire, played the piano and sang and danced- all in the comfort of our own home. And had an interlude of a yummy home made meal …

  So here are my top tips

  1) Step away from the media, that makes you panic!- the media want to sell their publications  or websites more than the next, so they will always try and create the most dramatic headlines. Limit your media time, or just don’t look at all. On the days I looked at the media I felt more stress in my body, on the days I didn’t I felt good! The media feeds on fear, release that fear!
On Thursday I am doing a FREE Webinar on ”How to release the Coronafear and still thrive”- click here.

  2) Create a routine as a family, for work, for your kids work, for your fitness, for your relaxation, for creativity, for getting out in nature, for entertainment and for speaking with people virtually- routine gives you a goal, and helps keep you focussed. Goals release the feel good hormones!

  3) If you have kids and are now homeschooling my advice would be to keep to the schedule, kids need routine and stimulation and a goal-there is plenty of time to play after school.

  4) Create times when you have your own space, even if its in the bathroom or go for walks or bike rides alone. You will need these periods to create space from each other- and to look forward to seeing each other again. It also gives you time to think and process and get creative.

  5) If you are used to going out for meals or socialising create different areas in your house or garden where you can eat or have a drink. You could use different crockery, different table cloths, candles, have fun with it. On mothers day my husband and daughter put the table in a different part of the garden where new flowers are budding and made me a beautiful meal, we dressed up, played music in the background and it felt as good as going out.

  6) Get creative– for mothers day Angelique painted a beautiful piece of rock that my husband collected on a walk, she also drew me 5 cards- we have spent time every day this week doing music, art or dance. The shops are shut here now, only the supermarkets are open. I loved receiving a creative present over shop bought stuff.

7) Limit your screen time– this is a period where you will get heavily addicted to swiping that screen. Set a time to go on your device at certain times a day ( not just upon rising or when you go to bed ) By all means find a good series to get into on netflix, but unlimted screen time can lead to low energy, depression and addictive behavoir. 

8) Look after your health– there is no reason you should get fatter, less fit, or more stressed. We went cycling in Angelique’s lunch hour- and had a little nature talk along the way. This is an incredibly stressful time for the world, but if you make sure you focus on you, your body and your mind each and every day and make that your priority you can enjoy this time with you. This could be a really exciting time for you to get into the best shape of your life. Join my FREE webinar to give you more motivation here.  

   9) Learn something new– I can’t tell you the amount of videos I have seen of people saying they are bored, especially celebrities. I haven’t been bored once- this week I have learnt how to opera sing from youtube!

  10) Celebrate online– it was my Mums 78th birthday on Friday and I am one of 7 children. We all live in 4 different countries around the world and got together on a video conference call. It was so fun, we sang, we danced and we laughed so much.

  11) Don’t spend all day, everyday in your pyjamas– by day 4 of home schooling we stayed in our pyjamas for 2 days and I felt gross and lethargic by the end of 2 days of doing it. After that I decided to change my outfit 3 times a day to feel like I had been to different places. I wore gym gear in the morning, I wore a nice outfit for the day, and then a chilled outfit for the evening. Its awesome to slob out, but doing it every day doesn’t feel so good.

  12) Fuel your body with goodness– with all the panic buying around the globe ( actually shops are full in Portugal ) it can feel stressful not to have your usual foods. Get loads of fresh produce- even on lock down we are still allowed to go to the supermarket. Also buy some fresh herbs as they all have anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal immune boosting properties. And if you buy them in plant form you don’t have to worry about your shop not having any more.

  Let me show you some top tips to release the fear and regain your health and well ness in my   FREE webinar on Thursday at 8pm!
  Step into this new, exciting, connected period. Enjoy it’s beautiful power within you ❤️

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