Terms & Conditions The Body Rescue Plan (Body Rescue Limited)
Any diet plans or nutritional advice given out users of The Body Rescue Plan and the bodyrescueplan.com website are to be followed and implemented at your own risk.
Christianne Wolff and Body Rescue Limited cannot be held accountable for any food in tolerances, allergies or other ailments that you may currently have that react to recommended food groups or supplementation advice given in the book and on the website.
Christianne Wolff and Body Rescue Limited shall not be liable for any damages arising from personal injuries sustained during the personal exercise program.
Using any exercising equipment during the Body Rescue program does so at his/her own risk and you assume full responsibility for any injuries or damages which may occur during the training
The definition of exercise may include aerobic activities (treadmill, walking, running, bicycle riding, rowing machine, aerobic activity, callisthenic exercises, and yoga to improve muscular strength and endurance and flexibility exercises to improve joint range of motion.
Any physical fitness program that includes exercises to build the cardiorespiratory system (heart and lungs), the musculoskeletal system (muscle endurance and strength, and flexibility), and to improve body composition (decrease of body fat in individuals needing to lose fat, with an increase in weight of muscle and bone) is subject to the responsibility of the individual.
By following The Body Rescue Plan and the online plan at thebodyrescueplan.com is subject to the responsibility of the individual.
This means that Christianne Wolff and Body Rescue Plan Limited are not responsible for any outcome and cannot be held responsible for any demands, damages present and future herein.
By undertaking the program the subscriber must understand and agree that they are in good physical condition and that they have no disability, impairment or ailment preventing them from engaging in active or passive exercise .
It is also the responsibility of the user to seek appropriate medical advice should they have any doubts as to their personal health and well being with regards to following this programme.