Lose Up to 2.5 Stone ( 3 dress sizes) and FINALLY take control of your relationship with food.
Bring Your Inner Hot Self to Life! Lose weight, gain energy, uncover glowing skin, and sleep like a baby in just 12 weeks.

Right now you are feeling so tired.
Tired of carrying excess weight.
Dealing with the mid-afternoon slump every day.
Finding it hard to stay focused on the task at hand.
This is just how life is, and everyone deals with it, right?
After all, it’s been like this for so long, you’ve forgotten that it’s even possible to live any other way.
And every time you make attempts to change it, you run into the same problems, over and over again.
You suddenly get invited to loads of social events (which all seem to revolve around food)
Your family complains about the healthy food on the table and are begging, “can’t we just order pizza?”
You’re already crazy busy and just can’t seem to find the time to plan everything ahead, so it all falls apart after a few days.
Everyone at the office seems to insist on bringing cakes and biscuits..
Don’t give up on yourself just yet.
You DO have what it takes to ditch your inner sugar addict..
Even if you’re the busiest person you know.
Even if you’re faced with sugary temptation all the time.
Even if you’ve always struggled with your weight.
And even if you have an active social life.
Here’s what life looks like when you’ve kicked the sugar habit and made your health a priority:
You’re practically swimming in your current clothes–time to shop for smaller sizes!
Your skin is so healthy and glowing that you don’t even need foundation; quick swipe of mascara and lip gloss, and you’re good to go!
Muffin top is a distant memory; those jeans slip on with ease, and you know you look GOOD
You wake up every morning feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day (instead of being in zombie mode until your 3rd cup of coffee)
You might be thinking…
“I’m menopausal, I’m pretty sure my weight gain is here to stay”
“My metabolism has plummeted–I gain weight just by LOOKING at food”
“My energy is zapped, there’s no way I can find it in me to start exercising”
“I’m a single mother, I work full-time, and I have a social life–I’m just too busy”
Loud and clear. I still believe you can change that, and here’s why!

My name is Christianne Wolff, and I’m the creator of the Body Rescue Plan.
I’ve been a celebrity trainer for 27 years, won many awards, and I’ve been featured in 100’s of magazines, newspapers, TV and radio shows. All of that might sound impressive, but to be honest, that’s not what makes me so sure you can do this.
Years ago, while teaching a Zumba class, the unthinkable happened–I had a miscarriage. The devastation and trauma caused me to gain 35 pounds. Even though I was fit and slim for the 15 years prior, this time the emotional toll was too much. Everything I knew about health and fitness, suddenly wasn’t enough. It just wasn’t working.
So, I had to develop an all-new approach for people who have been trying like crazy to eat right and exercise, but can’t seem to overcome their self-sabotaging patterns.
I created 6 meditations to help me through the trauma and self sabotage, and that mindset component helped me to get back to being in great shape.
I came up with the body rescue plan to help others like you who need more than a meal plan and exercise routine to make a lifelong change.
Over the years, I’ve helped thousands of people just like you to not only lose weight, but lose it FOR GOOD by combining healthy eating and exercise with a mindset practice.
This new approach I created became…
The Body Rescue Plan
Lose up to 2.5 stone, get glowing skin, and better sleep in just 12 weeks
No “plugging your nose” and forcing foods you hate into your body.
No need to spend hours a day in the gym.
No constant fighting against your cravings for the rest of your life.
This is your time to step into the most fit, energetic, and vibrant
version of yourself.

Join The Body Rescue Plan Self Study for just £97
OR Join my VIP of The Body Rescue Plan for just £179
Live Q&A Support Calls – Stay on track with my live call support and get personalized feedback so you reach your goals faster than you can imagine.
Private Facebook Group -Group support so you can share wins, ideas and power up your progress by feeding of the group energy. Myself and my team of experts also share additional tips and motivation throughout the week.
And contact with us every day

so you can lose up to 2.5 STONE by the Spring!
The Body Rescue Plan
Self Study
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The Body Rescue Plan
VIP Access
(Special Offer Pricing Ends Wednesday!)

” I never enjoy cooking, I’m more of a baker however I actually enjoyed cooking during this plan. I make meals that I would have never made before and I also eat a lot more variety of vegetables and enjoy them.
So at the end of the 12 week plan I have lost 27lb Is and my daughter has lost 23lbs. Not only have we lost weight but we feel so much better in ourselves. love the way I feel- when I went on the body rescue maintenance plan I went on to lose 3.5 stone! “
Paula Allison

”I dropped 13 inches just between my waist and my hips and a whopping great 13% body fat on The Body Rescue Plan! my whole appearance changed and I have never had so many compliments in my life.
I am more convinced than ever that I have been given the winning combination that unlocks the toughest part of dieting…….keeping the weight off!
I’m even making my own chocolate these days!
But for me the real litmus test on The body rescue plan was what happens when you go on holiday or there’s a night out or another celebration? Well I’ve had 3 trips to Italy since week 10, along with many meals out, birthday celebrations etc and I’m still ahead of the game.
I feel better at 56 than I did in my forties, The body rescue plan has changed my life.”
Anne Dawson TV presenter

” After 12 weeks I’d lost over 2 stone and gone from a size 16 to a 12. I’m the fittest and healthiest I’ve ever been and I’m determined to stay that way ”
Mernie Gilmore
Womans Editor The Daily Express
The Body Rescue Plan
Self Study
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The Body Rescue Plan
VIP Access
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The Body Rescue Plan is a 12-week plan designed to help you kick the sugar habit through a specialized eating plan, focused workouts, and a mindset practice to help you unravel old mindset issues that have been keeping you stuck without you realizing it.

The Body Rescue Plan you get:
6 fitness videos worth £120
1 yoga video worth £20
12 weeks worth of shopping lists and recipe plans that would take you hours and hours to put together worth £300
6 mindset meditations worth £90
Weekly mindset videos worth £160
Weekly recipe videos worth £160
Motivational Emails every day worth £360
The Body Rescue Plan Book (digital version)
Total worth £1,140
You get it for just £97

The Body Rescue Plan you get:
All of the above worth £1,140.00 PLUS..
Live stream mentoring videos with me every week for 12 weeks worth £400
PLUS Unlimited access to me and my team of experts on a private group worth £thousands!!!!
Total worth £8,450.00
You get it for just £179!
Most weight loss programs wouldn’t even go this far to help you get maximum results, but I’m not done yet…
I’m also throwing in some special bonuses to help you propel your results beyond expectations…

Done for-You shopping lists.
How frustrating is it to make your own shopping list, only to get home and realize you forgot some key ingredients? Things like that can be maddening enough to weaken your resolve, so I’ve done the hard work for you–just order your food online, or take these lists with you to the shops.
Delicious Recipe plans
Each week, you’ll receive a tantalizing list of breakfast, lunch, and supper recipes, plus 2 yummy snacks per day. I’m not holding back here; you get cakes, chocolates, and biscuits ( sugar free ) with ingredients that taste incredible and don’t leave you bloated. Perfect for you if kitchen creativity isn’t your strong suit!
Plus the whole Sugar Free Challenge recordings and PDF’s worth £79

Exercise and Yoga
You don’t have to think, all the videos are laid out for you to target the areas you want!
The Body Rescue Plan takes care of it all, to make it easy-peasy to make YOU a priority.
No more spending hours every week trying to plan out the meals to ensure you’re eating a balanced diet, while also trying to choose stuff that actually tastes good and is simple to make (nobody has time for that).

The Body Rescue plan kicks off on 27th January! so you can lose up to 2.5 STONE by the Spring!
The Body Rescue Plan
Self Study
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The Body Rescue Plan
VIP Access
(Special Offer Pricing Ends Wednesday)
Unlock Your Body’s Natural Weight-Loss “Switch”
As part of the Body Rescue Plan, you’ll get exclusive access to our Vagus Nerve Stimulation Guide, a powerful bonus designed to naturally boost your weight loss journey. Think of this as your body’s own built-in “Ozempic” without the harmful side effects!

By stimulating your vagus nerve, you’ll activate your body’s natural ability to reduce cravings, balance hunger hormones, and supercharge your metabolism. This simple yet effective method is scientifically proven to help you lose up to 18% more weight—all while calming your mind and enhancing overall well-being. It’s the perfect addition to the Body Rescue Plan for holistic and sustainable results!
The Body Rescue plan kicks off on 27th January 2025
so you can lose up to 2.5 STONE by Spring!
The Body Rescue Plan
Self Study
(Special Offer Pricing Ends Wednesday!)
The Body Rescue Plan
VIP Access
(Special Offer Pricing Ends Wednesday!)

” I lost 2.5 stone in 12 weeks on The Body Rescue Plan and went from a size 16 to a size 10
After enduring decades of issues with fluctuating weight, body image & nutrition I have finally found the perfect lifelong plan for me. Previous diets gave me a general feeling of deprivation, I often felt shaky and I certainly wasn’t in shape as I never fully committed to exercise. I also deprived myself of many social events as I was too depressed about how I felt I looked.
The new lease of life I have been given through using the Body Rescue Plan is beyond anything I can put into words.
The food tastes so much better and Christianne’s recipes are absolutely delicious!! I can finally see some tone and definition in my body. Even I have recommended this plan to all of my friends. Many have committed and are achieving great results, too. I have now kept this weight off for 3 years- this has changed my life! ”
Catherine Huntley, TV Presenter

”I have been an asthma sufferer for about 6 years and had been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes for about a year.
As someone with a busy job that takes me away from home so much I had been a microwave addict. I never had any real interest in cooking and recipes, they always seemed so complicated and time consuming.
What surprised me and excited me about Christianne’s food was how simple it was to make and how delicious the food.
My life has drastically changed in the past 12 weeks.
Firstly I have lost 2 stone.
But the biggest change since being on the plan is that by blood sugar is now totally balanced and I am no longer Diabetic. ”
Cheryl Rose
Still have questions? Read on…
How much time do I need to dedicate to this?
The recipes take on average 15-20 minutes, the exercise is around 15-30 minutes, and the meditations are around 5 minutes. So plan for about an hour a day to focus on your mind and your body. Keep in mind, you’re likely already spending time on getting your food ready (even if it is just mac and cheese at the moment), so this isn’t an hour on top of what you’re already doing; it’s an hour, including preparing your food, exercising, and working on your mindset.
Will it be really expensive to buy all the food?
It depends on what you’re comparing it to. The price of your weekly shop may be a little more than you’re used to, if you’re used to buying cheap packaged food. But if you compare that to eating out in restaurants, drinking out in bars, getting taxis home from drinking, having take-aways, buying your fave bottle of wine, having a coffee and cake with friends etc.. – all of that adds up and will cost way more than your new weekly shop. So in the long run it’s actually much cheaper!
What if I need some help?
Ok so as an extra special bonus, if you need my help, you can sign up to my VIP mastermind group where you get interaction with me every day- and further help and support when you need it. The other participants are there to help you through it also, and I also will be in there to support you too.
How is The body rescue plan delivered?
The body rescue plan is a membership plan where upon purchase you would receive login details to your own private membership page. You will see a diary from Monday to Sunday and each day you can click on your videos, shopping lists, recipes and products.
Do you have vegetarian and vegan recipes?
Yes, the majority of the recipes are vegetarian and there are also options for the non-veggie recipes. But we also have a specific vegan plan also if you want it.
I have more weight to lose than 2 dress sizes; is this the plan for me?
Yes, The body rescue plan is 12 weeks and after that you will be shown how to do the life long plan which helps you still lose more weight. This is a lifestyle we’re creating, not just a short-term diet that gets short-term results.
Will I go hungry on this plan?
No, the idea is you get to eat a lot and still lose weight, you just eat a lot of the right foods!
Will I cope with the fitness videos?
The fitness videos are aimed up at all levels and are between 10-20 minutes in length. If you have any physical issues you should always check with your consultant. All the fitness videos are equipment free. And trust me-it doesn’t take long for it to start feeling easier!
Will I be spending hours cooking?
No, all the recipes are really quick to make and are delicious! It was important for me to make each recipe as simple as possible, without fancy equipment or complicated ingredie

”I was feeling so tired, fat, lethargic, and very unhealthy, so I decided to try Christianne’s Body rescue VIP plan.
Within the first week the support and the daily encouragement I received from Christianne spurred me on to really embrace the simplicity of her plan.
No calorie counting, no measuring, no fancy recipes, or weird foods to eat and I lost 8 pounds in the first week.
My time in the kitchen halved, my energy went through the roof.
In the 12 weeks I went from a size 16 to a size 12 and am now a size 10.
I feel like a whole new person.”
Liz Franklin

” I lost weight on The body rescue plan, gained more energy and felt like I jump started my whole system, mind and body.
I found Christianne’s mentoring and encouragement to eat well and stay fit so inspiring, that I feel healthier and better than ever before.
I am meeting more and more women my age who are suffering from fatigue and weight gain and feel this is the perfect plan for them.”
Shirley Kemp, former Wham singer and artist
The Body Rescue Plan
Self Study
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The Body Rescue Plan
VIP Access
(Special Offer Pricing Ends Wednesday!)
The Bottom Line
There are a lot of ways to lose weight, but an important factor in keeping it off for good, is combining your new healthy habits with the mindset work to prevent your self-sabotages from taking over. This is a proven, step-by-step plan used by thousands before you. Are you ready to step into your new, healthier body?
You’ve waited long enough, and it’s your turn.
Join the Body Rescue Plan

The Body Rescue Plan
Self Study
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The Body Rescue Plan
VIP Access
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” I’m 53 years old and over the years I’ve yo yo dieted. I’ve done so many diets… weightwatchers/the F Plan/Herbal Life/Atkins to name but a few. And yes I lost weight. I would practically starve myself until “that special event” and once the event had passed I would relax and go back to good old Helen who ate and drank a lot. The trouble was I wouldn’t just put some weight back on I would put it all back on…and more.
I am sitting at home on the lightest, fittest and most content I have ever felt in my whole life. I have lost 3 stone and I have dropped a good 2 dress sizes. And why? Because I went on The Body Rescue Plan.
To me Christianne is an angel on earth. She doesn’t judge she is kind caring and hilarious! She knows we live ordinary busy lives so things need to be easy and simple to follow.
The food plan and recipes are so easy and so tasty. I haven’t felt hungry. In fact some days I have struggled to eat everything! The exercise programme you can do anywhere …at home or even in a hotel room ( as I have done!).
This has been one of the most amazing journeys of my life and without The body rescue plan I would never have experienced it.
I wish everyone could have a Christianne in their lives and with this book or online you pretty much can! Trust her, believe in her as I have done and I can honestly say it will be the most wonderful experience…..it will be life changing. Thank you Christianne xxxxxx ”
Helen Burgess

” I have been on The Body Rescue Plan for 12 weeks. It is extremely simple to follow and I suffered no hungry feelings at all, which was marvellous, you can have some lovely recipes too. From week one the weight started to drop off.
In just 12 weeks, not only have I lost an amazing amount of weight, but my skin is so clear- I had terrible red flakey skin that completely cleared up after just 4 5 weeks. I also ran out of HRT whilst on the plan and noticed I had no side effects, which I never had before. I always had a strong reaction when I ran out- I decided to stay off HRT for a few weeks to see if it would continue and it did, after 12 weeks I still have no side effects. The transformation has been quite incredible and it’s all down to The Body Rescue Plan! I have tried every diet out there to get the weight to come off and I can honestly say nothing has worked like The Body Rescue Plan.
I feel 20 years younger!!
In the 12 weeks, I have lost 2 stone 10 lbs and gone from a size 22 to a size 16!”
Stella Adams, Director at Exclusive Magazines

” Christianne’s Body Rescue plan is so different, and I am delighted to say – no, I’ll shout it! – that after following Body Rescue for nine weeks I WEIGH LESS THAN I HAVE DONE FOR THE LAST 10 YEARS.
It has helped me budge those last stubborn pounds. I’ve just reached the milestone of dropping by one stone and plan to lose seven more pounds to be my lightest ever for 20 years – since before the birth of my third child who is now a strapping 6 foot plus nineteen year old!
I think the reason Body Rescue works is that it’s not just a diet. By integrating not just home exercises but yoga and, most importantly, mindfulness and visualisation, Christianne tackles the emotional reasonsthat so many of us carry more weight than we should.
Acknowledging guilt and self sabotage, addressing and reducing the negative stress in our lives and recognising how low-self esteem can make sticking to a diet somuch harder mean that Body Rescue is a complete programme, for body AND mind. And that is why it has worked for me.”
Kathy Tayler TV presenter

” I can’t praise the Body Rescue Plan and Christianne Wolff highly enough. It has been a game changer for me. Having gone through the menopause I couldn’t get rid of my extra weight around my middle.
I am in the public eye appearing on TV and giving talks all over the world about makeup and looking great. My weight was really getting me down! I tried EVERYTHING!! Nothing worked until I tried the Body Rescue Plan.
I lost 21lbs. in 12 weeks. This is a lifestyle NOT a diet! It helps you change your attitude to food. Educates you (in a nice way) how the food we eat has a huge impact on our body and mind. I’ve kept the weight off for nearly 3 years now including the indulgences of Christmas & Birthdays.
I’m doing the Body Rescue Plan Maintenance online now; the recipes are so delicious, Christianne’s support amazing. I am very happy, I am me but better! I would HIGHLY recommend this to everyone. You have nothing tolose but weight! It works on the person as a whole!”
Ariane Poole Celebrity make up artist

”I decided to take my life into my own hands and do the body rescue plan.
The best part for me, and the most encouraging was that my weight came off so quickly in the first 2 weeks.The most incredible thing is that I have lost 6 inches around my waist, I was 31 inches and now I am 25inches!
Which is what I was when I got married 27 years ago. The body rescue plan has changed my life in so many ways. I am so much happier. When I first read the book I thought it won’t work for me because nothing else has.
But it really changes your mindset and helps you with healthy eating. Even my husbands portly tummy has gone totally flat now.”
Mimi Harker OBE

The Allison Family lost over 12 stone betweem them!
Ready to join The Body Rescue Plan?
The women whose stories I’ve shared with you are some of the thousands who have successfully lost weight and got their lives back!
Yes these before and after images are just in 12 weeks!
So what are you waiting for?
If they can do it so can you! …

The Body Rescue Plan
Self Study
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The Body Rescue Plan
VIP Access
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Disclaimer : This website does not provide medical advice.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The content is not intended in any way as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.